C.S. Poe
Apr 18, 2018
LA Times Festival of Books
I leave this morning for California, where I'll be meeting up with fellow Dreamspinner Press authors, Rhys Ford and Bru Baker, to attend...

C.S. Poe
Mar 25, 2018
GRL 2018
I will be attending GRL 2018 in Portsmouth, VA as a Featured Author. This will take place from October 18 - 21st. General attendee...

C.S. Poe
Jan 25, 2018
Update on 2018 appearances
Unfortunately I will not be attending Coastal Magic Convention this February due to scheduling conflicts. My apologies to anyone who was...

C.S. Poe
Dec 1, 2017
Coda: Beach Livestream
I've written a coda currently being featured at Literary Escapism's blog, as part of my appearance at Coastal Magic Convention in 2018....

C.S. Poe
Jul 18, 2017
Poll for characters in free read
Cast your vote here for the characters that will appear in my next free coda this November. The theme is: my characters at the beach! The...