C.S. Poe
May 24, 2020
11:59 available everywhere
11:59 is now available with all ebook vendors! For those who may have been waiting for this spec-fic novella to be available at Amazon,...

C.S. Poe
May 24, 2020
The Engineer excerpt & audio
The Engineer (Magic & Steam: Book One) is releasing this coming Thursday, May 28, 2020! If you'd like an advance excerpt of this wild...

C.S. Poe
May 11, 2020
11:59 solo release
11:59, previously exclusive to the Devil Take Me anthology (now out of print) has been formatted and re-released for sale on its own for...

C.S. Poe
May 11, 2020
Le mystère du Kinétoscope
The Mystery of the Moving Image (Snow & Winter: Book Three), is now available in French, published with Reines-Beaux! Le mystère du...

C.S. Poe
May 4, 2020
Pre-order: The Engineer
The Engineer (Magic & Steam: Book One) is now available for pre-order with all online vendors for $2.99! Release is May 28, 2020. The...